
Hardin Community School

Our mission: Hardin Community School is a tuition-free junior and senior high school focused on helping students with their present situation while preparing them for their future. It is a fully accredited charter school.

Hardin Community School is a member of the National Association of Recovery Schools and is recognized by the Ohio Department of Education as a junior high and high school for students in need of credit recovery. Students enroll in academic courses leading to a high school diploma.

The goal is to have students graduate with like skills and leave primed and ready for the future. We welcome and enroll students who are in need of catching up on their academic credits. Priority is given to students who are behind academically, students that have been suspended or expelled from their home school, and students in need of structured environment due to behavioral, mental health or substance issues.

Staff Information

Anita Shoemaker 419-673-3210 x1005
David Lawrence 419-673-3210 x1006


8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Closed on Legal Holidays *
* Per Hardin County Handbook


400 Decatur St.
Kenton, Ohio 43326


Phone: (419) 673-3210
Fax: (419) 675-3408