

Juvenile Probation Department

Probation occurs when a juvenile offender is adjudicated under a specific order which releases the juvenile back into the community under the supervision of a Probation Officer.

The probation department holds juvenile offenders accountable for their actions while providing support to the offender and their families. Probation Officers monitor the juvenile offender's compliance with the Courts Orders; as well as assisting the juvenile and family in improving the juvenile’s overall behavior. Juveniles on probation are expected to behave appropriately at home, school, community service worksites, as well as while in the community. Through appropriate sanctions, the juvenile will be held accountable for any violation of the terms of their probation.

Staff Information

Krystal Wagner Director of Programs | Chief Probation Officer | Treatment Court Coordinator 419-673-3210 x1002
Amy Kissling CCM & FDTC 419-673-3210 x1010
Holden Manns CCM 419-673-3210 x1003
Leaha Archer CCM 419-673-3210 x1004
Elisa Martinez Court Services Specialist | Diversion 419-673-3210 x1009


8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Closed on Legal Holidays *
* Per Hardin County Handbook


400 Decatur St.
Kenton, Ohio 43326


Phone: (419) 673-3210
Fax: (419) 675-3408